this session was so near to my heart. i received an email a few weeks after i was home from the hospital after having my second baby boy. the email explained that this mother had twin girls that were graduating from high school the following year and she wanted some senior portraits done. the name sounded familiar on the inquiry form but it didn’t hit me until i read the part about her being in the operating room with me when i had my son! my nurse anesthetist was the one emailing me!!! she said she remembered me mentioning i was a photographer and she looked me up and loved my work and so did her girls.
these girls are so special. in the short time i spent with them i got to hear about their college plans and their goals. these girls will definitely be going places! i cannot wait to see where their college experience takes them in life. they were so sweet and up for hiking a few miles to a small waterfall. i was very impressed. while i was huffing and puffing, going down the cliff carrying my gear…they were prancing along, barely sweating!
i really enjoyed my time with laura and rachel! i am so glad they drove all the way from huntsville, to shoot in cullman at a location i had never been to and that was a little hard to find! it was so worth it!