according to Merriam-Webster… success {noun}: Suc•cess ~the fact of getting or achieving wealth, respect, or fame ~the correct or desired result of an attempt ~someone or something that is successful: a person or thing that succeeds i am no stranger to failure. i spent 5 years in nursing school and failed my final test…bummer, i […]

photographers, Photography

April 27, 2016



last year, was a turning point in my photography journey. i was on a quest to find my style and what truly defined me as a photographer. traditionally, i would shoot a full session with one lens. my trusty zoom portrait lens. it produced pretty pictures. but that was NOT enough for me anymore. i would […]

photographers, Photography

January 25, 2016

no one is you…


i am surrounded by so many photographers, i mean, who isn’t?! it is a highly saturated market. which is great! never think the ‘little guy’ or ‘newbie’ is a nuisance. every one that is successful, was once the ‘newbie’. in a few years, you may be working for or with the newbie! i agree with […]

photographers, Photography

October 21, 2015
