it was cold…very cold. it’s january, it’s expected!!! there was still snow on the ground where the sun hadn’t touched for a few days. there were still icicles hanging off of the cliff. it was gorgeous. i am so thankful i got meet jordan and & tylar in cullman today to shoot their engagement pictures. […]
this was the final session in tucker’s baby plan. we’ve been on quite a journey together! i have grown to love this boy more and more. those baby blues…just speak to the heart. i am so excited to share these images! especially the one of him and his “girlfriend”. they did so good!
claire was due 2 days after Christmas, but decided to arrive almost a week early! she just could not wait for the Christmas festivities!!! claire is the most calm, even tempered baby i have seen in a long time. she was wide awake when i arrived, but that did not last long! we got her […]
i met bethany and neely in decatur on THE coldest day we’ve had so far… we were close to the river and that made it even more windy! they were brave souls and decided to do the shoot without jackets…while i was bundled up with ear muffs, a ski coat and boots! most photographers refuse […]
joseph is home for the holidays and it was the perfect time to get some engagement pictures taken! we’ve had warm beautiful weather {despite it being december!} and what is better than it being warm out?! fast forward to today…the temperature dropped to 48º and it’s been raining pouring for three or four days prior to our […]